Peer Review
Each submitted manuscript undergoes a rigorous review process. Members of the Bank of Journal Reviewers conduct an objective and fair double-blind review of all submitted manuscripts.
The manuscripts that pass the review process will be accepted to publication. On this issue the authors receive an official acceptance letter. All the manuscripts, submitted for the publication, undergo reviewing and approved by the Editorial Board.
- The manuscript undergoes initial review and verification for compliance to the topics of the Journal and the formal requirements.
- If the article does not comply with the subject-matter, topics and the interests of the journal, it is excluded from revision, and the author is being notified about it.
- The manuscript is being submitted for evaluation to an independent expert (peer review).
- The review process is anonymous both for the reviewer and author.
- After reviewing the manuscript may be:
- Rejected
- Returned to the author for revision.
- Accepted for publication.
The review process includes:
- Evaluation of the manuscript content and judgment on whether it is suitable for publication in journal.
- Enumeration of methodology, design and tools errors in manuscript (if there are any).
- Suggestions for the author to make text improvement.
- In case of an unfavorable verdict of the reviewer, the question of manuscript is discussed on the session of the Editorial Board, which decides on rejecting of it or the need for the further review by another independent expert.
- The final decision on the manuscript publication and approval of the whole content or rejection of the article are adopted at the Editorial Board’s meeting.
- The process of reviewing and approving manuscripts takes from 1 to 2 months, after which they are published on a first-approves, first-published basis.
- The editorial board reserves the right to decide on an extraordinary publication of the article.
- Technical changes may not be coordinated with the author.
- The manuscript is not returned to the author.