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Gayane Ghukasyan


Any organization, in order to carry out successful activities in the conditions of strong competition and uncertainty of the environment, must be constantly informed of its customers, familiar with their constantly changing requirements, understand what is its target audience and strive to maximize their satisfaction level. For this purpose, the implementation of marketing research is very important, because it allows to collect multi-faceted information about customers, their requirements, the attitude of customers towards the given organization and the product or service issued by the latter, and other important factors that directly or indirectly affect the competitiveness of the organization and on profitability.

Modern economics puts forward new methods, the use of which in the implementation of marketing research allows the process to be carried out more efficiently, quickly and accurately. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are among those methods. They allow you to identify extremely complex dependencies, perform analyzes for large amounts of data, solve complex formalization problems, etc. The article presents the analysis of the results of the survey conducted for the purpose of assessing the satisfaction of consumers with the level of water supply using artificial neural networks and offers recommendations aimed at solving the above problems.

marketing research, , machine learning, , , 

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How to Cite
Ghukasyan, G., Petoyan, P., & Bakhshyan, G. (2023). USAGE OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS IN MARKETING RESEARCH. Economics, Finance and Accounting, (SI-1), 33.